Project @rights pamelalaroccastudio|atelier 2022
Project Owner , @rights pamelalaroccastudio|atelier ,
team Roberta Cerbone, Marla Iodice
Pemacultural roofing to reach food self sufficency in a crowdy city
Visioning, Research, Proposal, GIS methods based study
Masterplan, Architecture, Preliminary stages
InvitedProjectSpazioMatta, after Paola Galante ( University Naples) InvitationYear 2015
Visioning, Research, Proposal, GIS methods based study Masterplan, Architecture, Preliminary stages
InvitedProjectSpazioMatta, after Paola Galante ( University Naples) InvitationYear 2015
Total Intervention Cost , 2.000.000 euro.![]()
Total Intervention Cost , 2.000.000 euro.

it is a research project , based on a unique issue: What would happen in Naples, in terms of food self sufficiency, if every abandoned top roof in this city whould be provided by aeroponic coltures? The question naturally raises as Naples it is actually the european main city with the most of abandoned roof and some very interesting climate. More then this, the inhabitans density one of the highest in Europe since the ancient ages. What's very fascinating about this point, it is that Naples , in its center, it actually is the only city in Europe where the same places which were choosen by the Greeks are still used by the current local population. By this researchs, it comes in evidence the conclusion that over the 40% of the food answer, in terms of vegetables, may be satisfied in the city just by 'permacolture' activities based on aeroponics,and that conclusion it is worth of the same efficiency also where extended to the entire Campania, the region to whom Naples it is the Principle City. Indeed, in the whole region there are roughly 78.709.400 square meters in underused terraces ,which may be growth in aeroponics, addressing by that the answer in food of 300.000 circa persons,equivalent to the same amount of people valued as 'poor' in the area.Testo in italiano _pdf ︎