

2014Holcim Award awknoledgment/
Africa Middle East

. Project@rights pamelalaroccastudio|atelier

team: Luca Caputo, MariaCristinaAgnello,CostanzaLamantia
Rammed Earth and wooden Community Center for artisanals works.

Holcim award for sustainability competition

based on data researched on site by Costanza La Mantia_Bantu Studio

Masterplan, Architecture, 

Aknowledgment prize

YEAR 2014

Kigali, Kora Quarter, Rwanda

Total intervention scheme,12000 sqm masterplan

Total Intervention Cost , 350.000 euro.


pilot project aims into be matching a social program, andso that establishes a way to fight the poorness in the high dense Kora Quarter, and to reinforce the Wetland , by Macrophyte extensive treatment and also by using typical rwandian coltures such as climbing beans coltures.
The project mirrorize the aims forewarded by the F.A.O Pa.puk Project and it comes by local instances , addressed by local stakeholders in a participative process where our team went deeply in.
Assuming that the young people need someone teaching, to learn the agricolture and cover cropping tecniques, the agricoltural plan needs of an educational building, dedicated to Agricolture, where the young people may find the necessary .
The Building it is shaped by the geodesy, as the ground and top floor are strictly connected to the flat shape which gives character to the site where the building would be founded .
The geodetical slabs are connected to the square design, and services of common use are settled around the building contour, in technical areas which appear like giant columns.
Also the typical mud bricks facade it is developed putting attention on the traditional constructive tecniques by the rwandian people.

Project credited also on:Project credited on the NIB selected list, by New Italian Blood Prize, Progettare Architettura ,
l’Architecture d’ Aujourd’hui, Archdaily

Testo in italiano _pdf ︎


