
Là Tissue/

project Tissue, La Nouvelle Marne LA VAllé, reorganizes the urban planning system of the 70’s, using spaces and areas, reconnecting and bringing out untapped potential which already been in the territory. Modern Heritage to be preserved through the new planning proposal, transforms the territory, by sinergistically combining the urban characters of the XX-th century and the needs of the XXI-th century.
The new trace moves towards two different project layers, one about the landscaping , and the secondo ne about the architecture.
With the first we connect the public unused areas with functional axes, highlighted by their colorful printing, that meet the needs of three generations of inhabitans living the quarters. Free spaces, open and closed, internal and external, in the border infrastructure are involved in the system to be equipped for commonal uses by the residents.
‘’Les Axes’’ printed on walkways and driveways create new urban and natural perspectives, characterized by generating new aesthetic and functional identity.
Starting from the consideration that all tissues are formed by endless cells, our architectural project area has been discretized , offering a great variety of functional units combination. The generator concept for the architecture is the rhizom and the way it works. In line with ever changing developments in contemporary living, the porosity of the architecture makes this residential and urban context an evolving organism, in perpetual change, preferring the dynamic exchange between architecture and stimulating the interaction between man and natural environment.

Testo in italiano _pdf ︎

Là Tissue/