The YellowBuilding
Project @rights pamelalaroccastudio|atelier
ProjectLeader: Pamela Larocca
Team: plastudio (Luisa Rocco), Gioacchino Carpinelli
The CankerWorm Yellow Building_A modular Building to host Educationals.
Masterplan, Architecture, Preliminary stage
Educational, Public spaces
Competition: Scuole Innovative
Italy, Sala Consilina, 2015,Participant
Total intervention scheme, 12000 sqm masterplan
8550 sqm net areas , Buildings
Total Intervention Cost , 30.000.000 euro.
The YEB is due to host an High Professional School, named ITIS, which will replace an old building which will be removed as demolited. The New Building, which is modular, and it is meant to be working as it was just like a giant cankerworm, will allow in different Classrooms, Workshops, Administration Areas Offices, one Biblioteque and then , one Pool, two Gymns, Music study preparatory Areas and one Auditorium meant to get room to 550 persons. The total net Area will be 12314 sqm. In the exterior, are organized commonal services and the parking stages.
The top roof, entirely accessible, gives room to plants hidden into sculptural volumes, and organic plants, in a ‘hillshaped’ pensile park.
The New Building responds to a modular structure which is outspoken and confirmed in the external cladding. The construction scheme, which is developed in 19 Intervention Stages, mirrorize the number of prefab modules 7*28 meters large, in a height of 11.8, which give shape to the building. The scheme will be completed in 20 weeks beside the demolition and excavation period. This, about the method.
Essentially, and about the interior space, this one evolves around the connective core, mainly represented by a giant dark orange ramp, connecting all the 4 levels. Most specifically, this is and undergound volume, which hosts the spoort indoor areas, the entrance storey hosting the Auditorium and other commonal services useful to the Community, in order to allow a 24 hours performative program, and then the two storeys hosting the Educational activities. These ones, are clearly organized by keeping separated the typical Classroom where the alumni are involved in learning theory, but very visible the Workshop areas where the educational scheme is ‘learning by doing’. These Workshops, as well as the Biblioteque, are in giant glazed boxes which they allow to see what’s inside also by the corridors. The building is conceived as a Mechano matching the New Educational Guidelines written in the Conferenza Unificata held in April2013 and new educational and social necessities.
Testo in italiano _pdf ︎